“We are not poor, we will match you boot for boot” – Family of the dead 3-year-old boy tells Lilwin

The family of little boy Nana Yaw, who passed away in an event involving famous actor Kwadwo Nkansah, called Lilwin, wants justice. 

“We are not poor, we will match you boot for boot” – Family of the dead 3-year-old boy tells Lilwin

They won't let anyone stop them from seeking truth about their loved one's death.

It is said that right after what happened, Lilwin and those working for him offered the family GhS 5000. But the sad family thought this small amount wasn't enough and asked for real justice instead.

Also, while talking on Angel FM, the family's priest shared some things: Lilwin had been drinking before the bad situation took place. It is believed there were many kind of alcoholic drinks inside Lilwin's car right after it all happened.

Later on Thursday, police held Lilwin once doctors let him leave the hospital. Soon after, they set him free but told him to pay GhS 50,000 and find two people willing to help make sure he follows rules while waiting for trial.

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